
Feb 12, 2017

Elegant Handle Canes

Designers and fashion houses worked on the concept of reversible clothing and today, reversible clothing is in. Convertible clothing is similar to this idea. With busy schedules and tight budgets, […]

By Onaz
Feb 12, 2017

Wooden Canes

Designers and fashion houses worked on the concept of reversible clothing and today, reversible clothing is in. Convertible clothing is similar to this idea. With busy schedules and tight budgets, […]

By Onaz
Feb 12, 2017

Collector Canes

Not every fashion design graduate wants to move out of comfort zones, and out of glitzy metros. Hemang Agrawal was one of those exceptions who did. He went back to […]

By Onaz
Feb 12, 2017

Specialty Canes

There was a time when the internet was used to exchange documents and to read up. As the time passed, it has became a tool to communicate with, shop, influence […]

By Onaz
Feb 12, 2017

Folding Canes

In today’s marketplace with thousands of products and services being rapidly commoditised, a brand name helps to stand out and establish a clear identity in the market. The brand name […]

By Onaz